Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sprucing Up for Spring - Livingroom Revamp

Sunday, I spent the day spring cleaning my living room - and when I say "spring clean", I mean baseboards, walls, scrubbing floors, the whole nine yards.  To get myself motivated (because my favorite part is not the cleaning, but the redecorating that I allow myself to do when I clean), I started with the mantle.  I had found several different ideas on Pinterest that I wanted to use on my mantle.  The window stays and changes with the seasons; the "X" and "O" I got from High Cotton Vintage Home Furnishings in Manchester, TN.  They are covered in moss - to find a tutorial to do this yourself from the girls at 11 Magnolia Lane, click here.  I am in love with everything on my mantle...in fact, these are some of my favorite decor items.  I collect owls, so that is the reasoning behind all of those.  And everything else is vintage, and collected over the years.

My boyfriend, Drew, will tell you that I love to rearrange furniture (and I think it secretly drives him crazy).  But it makes me so happy and makes everything feel so fresh and new.  I am a believer in "shopping my house"; yes, I love new decor items, but I am also a big fan of taking things out of a room, making a pile, and grouping like items together.  So after the mantle, I cleaned this corner of the room.  I turned the chair a different way and had it face the couch instead of the TV.  This living room has been a pet peeve of mine since moving into this house.  It's small, shaped weird, has 3 doorways, and 2 windows....oh, and there's only one cable wire hookup....so there's only so many ways that it can be functionally arranged. I change it slightly every once in awhile, but there's not much I can do with it.

Next, I updated my gallery wall...well, really the only thing to update was the chalkboard to a more springy theme.

Last, in the living room revamp, was the shining of the floors and putting down my new rug.  You can buy it online here at Rugs USA.  You can see the tail end of my puppy, Rossi, checking out the new rug. ;)

Let me know what you think!  Hope ya'll have a great week! :)

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