Monday, April 14, 2014

My Weekend In Review...

Yes...I may be a little late with the blog post about last weekend, but...better late than never right?!?!  That's what I always say.  So Friday night started with a little craft project to get ready for my sewing class.  I made a mason jar sewing kit to impress the teachers (yes, I still like to be the teacher's pet ;) ).  I didn't take pictures because I was so excited about making it, I completely forgot.  But, you can find a tutorial like the one I made here.  I'm going to make another one for Nannie Allene, so I will take pictures when I make that one. Second on the agenda for my Friday night, was "to-go" dinner from the Readyville Mill.  If you are local and haven't eaten at the mill, you are missing out...MAJORLY! I am so excited about this place cause A) It's part of my history (more on that later), B) It is seriously within walking distance from my house, and C) The food is A-MAZ-ING (with all caps, and 3 syllables).

Can't you just see yourself strolling the grounds?  So homey and cute!  And this was my amazingly (is that even a word), awesome food - Stuffed Pork Tenderloin (with cheese, mushrooms, and bacon) scalloped potatoes, mac & cheese, green beans, and a corn bread muffin, made with cornmeal that's actually ground at the mill.

And while we ate, Drew and I watched a movie featuring one of my favorite actresses, Jennifer Lawrence. After watching The Hunger Games, I have become obsessed with this fabulous actress.  Although American Hustle left me a little dissappointed with Lawrence's part (I'm accustomed to her playing the courageous, renegade card). Still, the movie wasn't bad, just didn't live up to The Hunger Games.

Saturday brought about something that I've been looking forward to for several, several weeks!  The sewing class at the Blackberry House.  I have been trying to learn to sew for years - Nannie Allene, Mama, and Karen have all tried to teach me to no avail.  I decided that my best method for learning would be to learn from someone that I didn't know so that I wouldn't show my frustrations and get mad.  In other words, I'm gonna put up a good front in front of someone I don't know.  Well, needless to say, it went AWESOME!  I had NO trouble and didn't get frustrated and made....wait for it....a pillowcase!

YAY ME!!!! :)

After my sewing class, I came home and cooked a really good dinner.  Panko Stuffed Chicken Breast (stuffed with cheese, bacon, tomatoes, and spinach); homemade creamed corn, and smashed red potatoes.  You can find the recipe for my Pankfo Crusted Stuffed Chicken Breast here.

And then....I played with my sewing machine - I did a really crappy "L" applique and a really crappy buttonhole - but hey, at least I figured it out! :)


Hope you all had a great weekend! :)

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