
My name is Lindsay Reed. I live in Readyville, TN and enjoy a career as a dispatcher at Huff & Puff Trucking. I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.  I taught for 3 years while working summers at Huff & Puff.  After my 2nd summer, I decided to stay at Huff & Puff full-time.

 I have so many different hobbies, sometimes, it's hard to keep up.  I love to read, design, and create. I like to write, coupon, and spend time outdoors. I am always looking for new and exciting ideas.  I follow lots of blogs and research Pinterest for my next idea.  I also love to learn - crafts, random facts, anything. I also love to shop - especially small and local, and with my job, a lot of online shopping.

Feel free to email me: lindsayreed530@gmail.com

Follow me on Facebook - click here.

And check out my Pinterest boards - click here.

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